I went to see Karen as a last resort as I was very depressed and overweight. I wish she had been my first port of call. She helped me feel positive about myself and on doing so I began to lose weight. Thoroughly recommended.
Visiting Karen was life changing. I went to see her having suffered with depression for over 10 years due to a lack of self worth and after just one session I left with renewed confidence and for the first time feeling that I was worth something. I visited Karen a few times after that and every time I looked forward to my session, she is absolutely lovely and was always able to explain things to me in a way that made sense. She also always had suggestions of ways to move forward and the sessions are so relaxing I always left feeling amazing and on a mission. Now I continue to listen to the sessions at home and have peace of mind that Karen is only an email away.
These downloads are safely stored on my iPod (and my iPhone) and I use them regularly. They are a lifeline for me – I use them on the train up to London or at home, and they have made a significant difference to my life. My particular favourite is Transformation, and I also use Change Your Life and Release Negative Thoughts regularly. The Insomnia session has done away with the need for sleeping tablets, and when I tore a ligament in my ankle, Pain Control helped significantly.
Hi! Just got back from a fantastic holiday – and the journey through the channel tunnel was fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I managed to stay calm through both trips and didn’t even ‘notice’ going through the tunnels during the journey that would have got me worked up before – some of them can be quite long when going through mountain passes! I used the tape every day we were away – I’m sure there’s a real benefit from just stopping and making time to relax and am keeping going with them now we’re back. I also hope the family noticed I was much more calm, positive and cheerful – I certainly felt it and made a real effort to stay calm and positive.
Having gone through a long period of upheaval in my personal and professional life, I decided to try hypnotherapy to conquer my overeating habits and reduce my stress levels. Karen came highly recommended and now I can see why! For anyone who is nervous or sceptical – don’t be and just give it a try. Using some of the techniques Karen gave me in the sessions and the downloads to play at home, I have now changed my eating patterns for good. I no longer reach for bread and chocolate as a comfort and my stress levels have reduced enormously giving me the energy to focus on my new business and start enjoying life. Thank you Karen!