What is stress?
Table of Contents
Stress doesn’t discriminate against age, sex, race or occupation and its grip tightens as the social and economic pressures of 21st century life increase. However, hypnotherapy for stress can really turn things around.
An epidemic of stress-related illnesses affects the wellbeing of unprecedented numbers of the population. Countless people now resort to antidepressants to help them face the day. So, just what is going on in this age of unparalleled prosperity and comfort?
Heart disease, stroke, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, allergies, insomnia, depression, anxiety and even cancer can all be triggered or aggravated by stress. It compromises the immune system and symptoms like exhaustion, muscular tension and an increased heart rate all put tremendous pressure on the body. Health is further undermined by mood swings, poor eating habits, lack of exercise and an inability to concentrate, which all take their toll on emotional wellbeing.

In a research study involving over 100 patients suffering from stress-related conditions it was found that 75% felt their symptoms were improving after 12 weeks of self-hypnosis practice, within one year 72% of the group reported complete remission of their symptoms as a result of the self-hypnosis.
(Maher-Loughnan, G.P. 1980, “Hypnosis: Clinical application of hypnosis in medicine’, British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 23: 447-55)
Hypnotherapy for stress can help
On the one hand, stress gives us our drive and motivation to get out there and achieve our potential but too much of it has the opposite effect. Once there is a gap between our ability to cope with stress and the amount of pressure we are under, problems appear overwhelming, confidence shatters and performance goes into meltdown. An effective way of closing that gap is to include hypnotherapy among the strategies used to deal with the causes and symptoms of stress. With practice, hypnotic tools and techniques can help prevent stress from escalating to harmful levels.
Stress – Making a Positive Change
Common symptoms of stress:
By experiencing the deep relaxation of a hypnotic state, your body learns to relax. You will feel more rested and energetic and you will find your sleep becoming deeper and more peaceful. As you begin to feel better physically, your thinking will become clearer and you will react to stressful situations more calmly.
As you learn to control your response to stress triggers, your emotions will become more controlled and you will begin to experience a greater sense of peace and serenity no matter what your circumstances.
- Body tension
- Unable to relax
- Sleeplessness
- Poor appetite
- Digestive problems
- Excessive eating
- Excessive drinking
- Excessive smoking
- Loss of sex drive
- Overspending
- Aggressive behaviour
- Road rage
- Snapping at people you love
- Agitation at small things
- Always being rushed, in a hurry, or late for appointments
- Unable to sit still and focus on a television programme, conversation or book
Change Your Approach
Life is full of change. It never stays the same. Learning to cope, change and adapt to whatever situation may arise in your life is the key to successful stress management.
Ten top tips for reducing stress:
1: Time management
Prioritise and don’t procrastinate. Tackle difficult tasks quickly and you won’t waste time worrying about them. Don’t sweat about the small stuff.
2: Work that body
Eat well, work out regularly and make sure you get a good night’s sleep. A healthy body and clear head make stress much easier to cope with.
3: Don’t overdo it
Learn the power of ‘no’. If you’re taking on too much or being overburdened, efficiency will be compromised by the resulting stress.
4: Work out why
Once you’ve figured out what the problem is you can look for ways to solve it.
5: Win – win
When confrontation looms, be the solution not part of the problem. A positive approach to difficult issues helps others to value and appreciate your contribution.
6: Accept the things you can’t change
Pushing against an immovable problem is exhausting and pointless. Give it a wide berth or remove yourself from its influence. This might mean making some changes in mindset and strategies.
7: Take a chill pill
Mindfulness and meditation are hypnotic strategies for restoring energy, clarity and focus. You’ll work harder and smarter by regularly taking time out to relax and clear clutter from your mind.
8: Get by with a little help from your friends
Unwinding with friends is an antidote to workplace stress. Friends can help you change the subject and forget about your woes.
9: Take a different point of view
Take some advice before letting problems get out of proportion. Looking at issues from different perspectives helps you to take a balanced view.
10: Don’t self medicate
Booze, fags, caffeine, recreational drugs or addictions of any kind add to whatever stress you are under. These faulty coping mechanisms could cost you your job, your health and your marriage.