The true value of investing in hypnotherapy: can you afford NOT to?
Can you afford not to give hypnotherapy a try? Although hypnotherapy offers a profound improvement in quality of life, many still see it as a …
Can you afford not to give hypnotherapy a try? Although hypnotherapy offers a profound improvement in quality of life, many still see it as a …
It’s easy to dismiss commonly expressed laments about being over-stressed but most of us are aware that we would be happier with a less stressed life. We all buckle under the strains and difficulties of daily life from time to time. Our world is a busy one.
Everyone is afraid of something. It doesn’t matter where you live, the year you were born, your skin colour or creed, our top five fears are a natural component of the human experience. They part of our primeval, genetically determined survival instinct. Without them, our chance of recognising danger and avoiding it or defending ourselves would be considerably reduced. The whole point of those top five fears is to keep us safe.
The fear of interviews prevents many hopefuls from performing well at job interviews and some will avoid them completely, losing the chance to go for that dream job. There are many hypnotherapeutic strategies that help beat interview anxiety, providing life-changing opportunities for career advancement and job satisfaction.
What benefits can teenagers get from hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis helps youngsters in many different ways. Specialist hypnotic techniques are effective at tackling a number of teenage problems, improving their ability to achieve their potential so they can develop into healthy, emotionally balanced and confident adults.
If a childhood phobia is left untreated, it can soon become an uncomfortable habit that causes feelings of terror and panic whenever exposed to the stimuli. It can then have an effect on a child’s well-being and social development and restrict many of aspects of their life. Many phobias are rooted in childhood and can range from the surprisingly common fears of the seemingly harmless, like buttons, balloons and clowns or the more serious fear of going to school.